Meeting attendance - Meeting of Cabinet (pre 2012) on Thursday, 31st July, 2008, 10.30am

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Meeting attendance

Thursday, 31st July, 2008 10.30am, Cabinet (pre 2012)

Venue:   Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall

Contact:    Martin Warren, Senior Democratic Services Officer

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Mary Mears Joint Opposition Spokesperson Apologies
Councillor Vanessa Brown Joint Opposition Spokesperson Present
Councillor Maria Caulfield Committee Member Present
Councillor Ayas Fallon-Khan Committee Member Present
Councillor Ted Kemble Committee Member Present
Councillor Ken Norman Committee Member Present
Councillor Dee Simson Committee Member Present
Councillor David Smith Committee Member Apologies
Councillor Geoffrey Theobald OBE Committee Member Present
Councillor Jan Young Committee Member Present
Warren Morgan Opposition Spokesperson In attendance
Councillor Bill Randall Guest In attendance


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