Decisions for issue Review of the Members Allowances Scheme

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Review of the Members Allowances Scheme

06/12/2018 - Review of the Members Allowances Scheme

RESOLVED: That the Committee –


(i)            That the Independent Remuneration Panel’s report as detailed in appendix 1 be received and endorsed;


(ii)          That the allowance payable to each of the members of the Independent Remuneration Panel be increased by 2% in line with the public sector pay award with effect from the date of the Annual Council meeting in May 2019, in recognition of the time

commitment and the role of the Panel;


(iii)         That the recommendations in the report of the IRP be recommended to the full Councilfor approval;


Full Council

(iv)         That the full Council be recommended to adopt the new Members Allowances Scheme for the payment of allowances in 2019/20 with effect from the Annual Council Meeting in May 2019; subject to the implementation of the Basic Allowance from the 6th May 2019 as detailed in the IRP’s report and the Scheme in appendix 7 to the report;


(v)          That the Chief Executive be authorised to issue the Brighton & Hove Members’ Allowances Scheme for 2019-23 in accordance with the regulations following Council approval and subject to any additional recommendations of the Panel approved by the

Council prior to the 2019 May elections;


(vi)         That the Monitoring Officer be authorised to amend the Constitution to reflect the new Members Allowances Scheme accordingly;


(vii)        That where there are any changes to any role listed as attracting a Special Responsibility Allowance under the Scheme, and the revised role is substantially the same as the previous role in terms of the nature or level of responsibility; the Special Responsibility Allowance shall continue to apply to the new role. This is subject to the Independent Remuneration Panel being consulted and agreeing that it is substantially the same role.



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