Decisions for issue Procurement of the Council's Commercial Portfolio's Estate Management Consultancy Contract

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Procurement of the Council's Commercial Portfolio's Estate Management Consultancy Contract

14/07/2017 - Procurement of the Council's Commercial Portfolio's Estate Management Consultancy Contract

That Policy, Resources & Growth Committee:


1)        Authorises the procurement of the new Estate Management service contracts for:


(i)             the council’s urban property portfolio; and

(ii)            the council’s agricultural property portfolio


each with an initial term of 5 years and an option to extend the initial term by up to a further 2 years. 


2)        Delegates authority to the Executive Director, Economy Environment and Culture following consultation with the Assistant Director, Property & Design to:


(i)             Award the contracts referred to in 2.1 above following the recommendations of the working group evaluation panel and the results of the tendering  process; and


(ii)            Approve any extension(s) to the initial term of the contracts of up to 2 years, dependent upon performance.


3)        Note that the tender specifications for the new contracts will be reviewed and updated to take into account relevant recommendations from the recent Policy Review Panel as well as any additional relevant recommendations from the proposed Asset Management Board.


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