Decisions for issue Drug and Alcohol Recovery System Procurement outcome

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Drug and Alcohol Recovery System Procurement outcome

16/10/2014 - Drug and Alcohol Recovery System Procurement outcome

That the Policy & Resources Committee agrees that the Adult Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service contract is awarded to Cranstoun as  the lead provider in the Pavilions Partnership at a value not exceeding £15.6m over a three year period,subject to the Director of Public Health being satisfied about the detailed delivery arrangements;  and authorises the Director of Public Health to award this contract upon being satisfied as to the delivery arrangements, and to take all necessary steps in connection with the letting of the contract.


That the Policy & Resources Committee agrees to grant delegated powers to the Director of Public Health to extend the contract at the end of the three year term, with the potential to extend the contract for a further two years if he deems it appropriate.


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