Decisions for issue ICT Data Centre and Hosting

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Issue - decisions

ICT Data Centre and Hosting

09/04/2014 - ICT Data Centre and Hosting

(1)               That the findings of the options appraisal of the council’s future needs for data centre services as set out in paragraph 3.6 of the report be noted;


(2)               That the procurement of a contract for off-site data centre provision, with a contract term of up to 5 years with an option to extend for a further 2 year period be authorised; and


(3)               That the Executive Director Finance & Resources be granted delegated authority to identify and implement the most appropriate method of procurement, in accordance with the council’s Contract Standing orders, to award the contract and, subject to satisfactory performance of the contractor, to exercise the option to extend the contract for a further 2-year period.


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