Decisions for issue Richmond Heights and Canning Street resident parking schemes - formal TRO consultation results.

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Issue - decisions

Richmond Heights and Canning Street resident parking schemes - formal TRO consultation results.

12/07/2012 - Richmond Heights and Canning Street resident parking schemes - formal TRO consultation results

1.            That, having taken account of all duly made representations and objections, the Committee approves as advertised the following orders;



(a) Brighton & Hove Various Controlled Parking Zones Consolidation Order 2008 Amendment Order No.* 20** (Areas C and H extensions) TRO-13a-2012

(b) Brighton & Hove (Waiting & Loading/Unloading Restrictions and Parking Places) Consolidation Order 2008 Amendment Order No.* 20** TRO-13b-2012

(c) Brighton & Hove (Various Roads) (One-Way Traffic) Order No.2 20** TRO-13c-2012


2.            That any subsequent requests deemed appropriate by officers are added to the proposed scheme during implementation and advertised as an amendment Traffic Regulation Order.





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