Decisions for issue Royal Pavilion and Museums Catering Contract

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Royal Pavilion and Museums Catering Contract

29/11/2012 - Royal Pavilion and Museums Catering Contract

(1)               That the award of the tender for catering services to the Royal Pavilion & Museums to Peyton & Byrne be approved;


(2)               That it be noted that the contract has been tendered jointly with Brighton Dome & Festival and will be managed under a Partnership Agreement and


(3)               That it be noted that staff currently working at Hove Museum Tearoom and the Royal Pavilion Tearoom will be subject to Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 ("TUPE") arrangements, and


(4)               That the Head of Royal Pavilion and Museums be granted delegated authority in consultation with the Director of Finance, the Interim Lead Chief Executive Services, the Acting Head of Human Resources and the Chair of the Economic Development & Culture Committee, to resolve TUPE and pensions arrangements following staff consultation and to authorise the Interim Lead Chief Executive Services to complete all the necessary documentation regarding such matters and the award of this contract.


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