Decisions for issue Proposed New School for Hove - The Connaught Centre

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Proposed New School for Hove - The Connaught Centre

14/12/2010 - Proposed New School for Hove - The Connaught Centre

(1)          That the Cabinet Member notes the interim arrangements for the management and refurbishment of the Connaught Building as a temporary expansion of West Hove Infant School to open in September 2011.


(2)         That the Cabinet Member notes that further work will be undertaken to formally establish the Connaught Building as the permanent infant stage of a new Hove Primary School, which will be reported to the Cabinet Member in due course.


(3)          That the Cabinet Member notes that further work will be undertaken to create the permanent Junior Stage of the new Hove Primary School at another site, which will be reported to the Cabinet Member in due course.


(4)  That the Cabinet Member endorses the proposed admission arrangements for the interim provision in the Connaught Building for the academic year 2011/12.  


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