Agenda item - Southern Water

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Agenda item

Southern Water

Proposed by Councillor West on behalf of the Green Group.


30.1     The Notice of Motion as listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor West on behalf of the Green Group and formally seconded by Councillor Shanks.


30.2     The Mayor noted that there were two amendments in relation to this motion as set out in the addendum papers.


30.3     Councillor Fishleigh moved the first amendment on behalf of the Brighton & Hove Independents Group which was formally seconded by Councillor Earthey.


30.4     Councillor Rowkins moved the second amendment on behalf of the Labour Group which was formally seconded by Councillor Fowler.


30.5     Councillor West confirmed that he would not accept the amendments.


30.6     The Mayor then put the Labour Group amendment to the vote which was carried.


30.7     The Mayor then put the Brighton & Hove Independents Group amendment to the vote which was lost.


30.8     The Mayor then put the following motion to the vote:


            “Council notes:


1. Outrage across the city is growing at the fact that, nationally, raw sewage continues being dumped into our seas by water companies such as Southern Water;


2. Residents are understandably concerned that the city’s sea, waterways and water supplies are unsafe to use because raw sewage can be damaging to natural habitats and the environment;


3. However Brighton and Hove has one of the best storm water facilities in the UK which includes a tunnel constructed under Brighton and Hove beach dedicated to store heavy storm flows which is three miles long and large enough to drive a double decker bus from Volks Railway station to Hove Lawns;


4. Notwithstanding the storm overflow there is concern about outflows at Shoreham and Saltdean in particular;


5. Robust regulation of water companies is essential to prevent raw sewage dumping and require transformational investment in our water infrastructure, creating the conditions in which community and not-for-profit ownership can ultimately be achieved;


6. The excellent progress the new Administration has made in negotiating with Southern Water which has resulted in them agreeing to fund year-round testing of our sea-water and to design and fund the creation of more water fountains in the City’s parks.


This council resolves to:


7. Support the Administration’s efforts to secure year-round, weekly testing of our sea water as well as reactive testing if unusual outflows are suspected.”


30.9     The Mayor confirmed that the motion had been carried.

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