Agenda item - Changes to the Constitution

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Agenda item

Changes to the Constitution


22.1    Councillor Sankey introduced, and formally moved the report.


22.2    Councillor Meadows and West spoke on the matter.


22.3    Councillor Shanks moved an amendment on behalf of the Green Group which was formally seconded by Councillor West.


22.4    Councillor Sankey in response to the debate confirmed that she did not accept the amendment.


22.5    The Mayor noted that an amendment to the recommendations had been moved and put to the vote which was lost.


22.6    The Mayor, then put the recommendations as detailed in the report listed in the agenda to the vote which was carried.


22.7    RESOLVED:


That Council:


(1)         Approved the proposed changes listed below, to come into effect immediately following their approval by Council, and


(2)         Authorised the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer to take all steps necessary or incidental for the implementation of the changes and authorises the Monitoring Officer to amend and re-publish the Council’s constitutional documents to incorporate the changes.

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