Agenda item - Chairman's Communications

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Agenda item

Chairman's Communications


              Web casting


35.1       The Chairman explained that afternoon’s meeting of the Planning Committee was being web cast. Members were reminded to speak directly into the microphones and to switch them off when they had finished speaking in order to ensure that they could be heard clearly both within the Council Chamber and in the public gallery above.


              Status of the Existing Local Plan and Formulation of Core Strategy Update


35.2       The Local Development Team Manager updated Members regarding the status of the existing Local Plan and progress in developing the Core Strategy. Copies of the Local Plan were tabled including a list detailing the 9 policies which were no longer “saved” as part of the plan, either because they had already been implemented or fell within national policy guidance.


35.3       Following initial consultation significant amendments had been made to 8 of the policies contained within the Core Strategy, due in part to changes to the national park boundary. A further “draft” document had been circulated to amenity groups and others for comment as part of the further consultation process. The period for comment on this further consultation was due to expire at the end of August. Changes had been effected to the following areas:


·        Shoreham Harbour;

·        the Marina (future developments not to exceed the height of the cliff);

·        the London Road corridor;

·        the urban fringe


35.4    The Local Development Team Manager referred to the existing urban fringe stating that this area could be used as a contingency in the event the City’s housing targets to be attained by 2020 could not be met.


            Questions/Matters on Which Clarification was Sought


35.5    Councillor Smart enquired whether the Core Strategy document was based on the national park boundaries as finalised and it was confirmed that they did.


35.6    Councillor Wells sought confirmation whether references to lower density for any future development(s) at the Marina related to the number of dwellings or to the height of development(s). The Local Development Team Manager confirmed that this related to the height of any proposed development and that any development for which there was extant planning permission was unaffected by this change.


35.7       Councillor Hamilton asked how these changes would impact on any appeals which had already been lodged. The Solicitor to the Committee explained that when considering any appeal a Planning Inspector would consider it in the context of current planning policies. The weight given to these policies was greater as they came closer to adoption/were adopted.


35.8       The Development Control Manager confirmed that Members would receive a further briefing following expiry of the current consultation exercise.


35.9       RESOLVED - That the position be noted.


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