Agenda item - Infrastructure Delivery Plan Refresh

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Agenda item

Infrastructure Delivery Plan Refresh

Report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment, and Culture (Copy Attached).



RESOLVED: That the Committee:


1. Approves the content of the refreshed Infrastructure Delivery Plan (Appendix A to this report); and


2. Approves the publication of the IDP on the council’s website subject to any minor alterations (grammatical, spelling or for clarity) to be agreed by the Head of Planning in consultation with the joint Chairs of TECC Committee.



49.1 Simon Barrett introduced the report starting on page 171 of the Agenda.


49.2 Councillor Childs asked if Councillors could contribute to section 3.9, especially the libraries provision in Queen’s Park area, and the refurbishment of the Pepper Pot, and the 5 leisure hubs. Simon Barrett confirmed that he would take these away to clarify with other departments and contact Cllr Childs after the meeting.


49.3 Councillor Simson was informed that:


·       There is only 1 accessible railcar for the volks railway.

·       No site has been decided the for the East Brighton GP Practise.

·       Infrastructure is only taken off the plan when completed.


49.4 Councillor Osborne was informed that Simon Barrett would talk to Mark Wall regarding briefing for all committees about infrastructure projects and for ward members to look at their specific ward projects.


RESOLVED: That the Committee:


1. Approved the content of the refreshed Infrastructure Delivery Plan (Appendix A to this report); and


2. Approved the publication of the IDP on the council’s website subject to any minor alterations (grammatical, spelling or for clarity) to be agreed by the Head of Planning in consultation with the joint Chairs of TECC Committee.


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