Agenda item - BH2020/03276 - 1A to 2B Whitehawk Road, Brighton BN2 5FA - Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2020/03276 - 1A to 2B Whitehawk Road, Brighton BN2 5FA - Full Planning


1.                 The Planning Manager introduced the report and gave a detailed presentation using enhanced visuals. Reference was also made to information set out in the Late/Additional Representations List.


Questions of Officers


2.         Councillor Theobald sought confirmation regarding the height of the proposed development in relation to the neighbouring dwellings and it was explained that unit 2B would be 1m higher than the neighbouring building.




3.         Councillor Yates stated that he considered that the proposed scheme would improve access to the site and was acceptable overall, any potential impact had been minimised as far as practicable.


4.         Councillor Childs, concurred considering that the scheme represented effective use of the available space.


5.         Councillor Fishleigh considered the scheme to be acceptable but that further work was needed in respect of highway arrangements in the vicinity as there had been a number of near misses.


6.         Councillor Theobald stated that she was unable to support the scheme which in her view was too tall, top heavy with an unsightly corner elevation.


7.         A vote was taken and the Committee voted by 9 to 1 that planning permission be granted.


124.3    RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the report and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informatives set out in the report.

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