Agenda item - Parking Permit Review

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Agenda item

Parking Permit Review

Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture


1)             That the Committee agrees to amend the following permits as outlined in Appendix A, whilst retaining the current requirement for Carers permit eligibility:

·   Self-employed Professional Carers Permit

·   School Permits


2)             That the Committee notes the staff engagement analysis.


46.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that sought approval for changes to the operation of various parking permits throughout the city.


46.2      Councillor Williams moved a motion on behalf of the Labour Group as shown in bold italics and where struck through below:


2.1    That the Committee agrees to amend the following permits as outlined in Appendix A, whilst retaining the current requirement for Carers permit eligibility:

·     Self-employed Professional Carers Permit

·     Carers Permit Eligibility

·     School Permits


2.2   That the Committee notes the changes to the current General Practitioner sign off process which is included in Appendix B, and the staff engagement analysis.


46.3      Introducing the motion, Councillor Williams stated that the changes were needed to avoid an unnecessary increase in administrative work for GP’s and because the reduction of fraud and suspected fraud was a matter for the Police not GP’s.


46.4      Councillor Wilkinson formally seconded the motion.


46.5      The Chair then put the motion to the vote that passed.


46.6      The Chair then put the recommendations as amended to the vote that were agreed.


46.7      RESOLVED-


1)             That the Committee agrees to amend the following permits as outlined in Appendix A, whilst retaining the current requirement for Carers permit eligibility:

·   Self-employed Professional Carers Permit

·   School Permits


2)             That the Committee notes the staff engagement analysis.

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