Agenda item - Report of the Scrutiny Panel on Dual Diagnosis

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Agenda item

Report of the Scrutiny Panel on Dual Diagnosis

Report of the Acting Director of Strategy and Governance (copy attached). The Scrutiny Panel Chair, Councillor David Watkins, will present this report to members.


110.1 The Chairman of the Dual Diagnosis Scrutiny Panel Councillor Watkins introduced the report and thanked Councillor Wrighton who had raised the matter for scrutiny and Councillors Young, Taylor and Hawkes who had served on the Panel. The work done by the Panel would be relevant nationally, as this was not being done elsewhere.


110.2  He said the Panel had found that finance was not the main issue but instead how to use the available resources.


110.3 Stressing the importance of the issue which affected individuals’ lives, Councillor Watkins wholeheartedly commended the report and asked that the OSC as parent O&S Committee monitor the outcomes. Many outside bodies had provided evidence and now had high expectations he said.


110.4  The Scrutiny officer in support of the Panel was congratulated.


110.5  RESOLVED(1) that the Commission endorse the Dual Diagnosis scrutiny report.


(2) that the recommendations be referred to Cabinet and to the appropriate partner organisations.


(3) that agreed actions be monitored by the Commission or appropriate Scrutiny Committee

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