Agenda item - The Creative Industries of Greater Brighton

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Agenda item

The Creative Industries of Greater Brighton

Report of the Chief Executive, Adur & Worthing Councils


1)            That the Board note the contents of this update report, progress made, uncertainty around national and regional economic policy and comment on the four areas identified by the Arts & Creative Industries (ACIC) Working Group for detailed development and progression.


25.1      The Board considered a report of the Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board that updated on research on the Creative Industries in the Greater Brighton region, commissioned by the Board in July 2019.


25.2      Clare Mason asked on any differences in the creative clusters in revenue or employment were considered instead.


25.3      Dr Siepel clarified that that would be the next stage in the research process.


25.4      Prof Humphris that a supplementary area to consider might be skills and talent and how to better connect with what employers were seeking.


25.5      RESOLVED-


1)             That the Board note the contents of this update report, progress made, uncertainty around national and regional economic policy and comment on the four areas identified by the Arts & Creative Industries (ACIC) Working Group for detailed development and progression.

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