Agenda item - OSC Draft Work Plan/Scrutiny Update

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Agenda item

OSC Draft Work Plan/Scrutiny Update


21.1    The Chair noted that the committee should not lose sight of the Knoll House situation and should receive update reports when a future use for Knoll House had been agreed and when the review of Step Up and Step Down services is completed. Cllr Grimshaw noted that it was important that rehabilitation services only aim to return people to their homes where this is achievable and appropriate. This is something the HOSC should bear in mind when scrutinising plans for these services.


21.2    Cllr Powell reminded members of the timings problem relating to the CCG decision to cease funding the Disability Advice Centre (i.e. that the decision was announced after the BHCC 2019-20 budget was set making it impossible for the council to assist).


21.3    Colin Vincent suggested that there should be an update on the plans for the Brighton General Hospital site. The scrutiny support officer noted that HOSC’s remit extended only to the plans to develop health services on the site, not to housing development. He was unaware that the health service plans had changed enough to occasion a further report to the HOSC, but would check with Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust.

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