Agenda item - Hove Cemetery Toilets

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Agenda item

Hove Cemetery Toilets

Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture


1)           That the request for a new gender neutral wheelchair accessible toilet facility on the north side of Hove cemetery be agreed subject to the funding being approved as part of the 2020-21 budget process.


39.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Lead Officer, Strategy, Governance & Law that set out proposals for provision of a new gender neutral wheelchair accessible toilet facility in the grounds of Hove Cemetery, refurbishing an existing surplus building.


39.2      Councillor Brown stated her full support for the proposals adding that a wheelchair accessible facility was highly important at such a location.


39.3      Councillor Brennan stated her support for the proposals that reversed a closure in 2012 and would add to the council’s social value.


39.4      Councillor West noted that the report stated that the cost of refurbishment would be £25,000 and there would be an annual maintenance cost of £4,000. Councillor West stated that there was no budget provision nor extra funding and it would be regrettable if another facility had to close because of this proposal.


39.5      The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture replied that the recommendation was subject to the budget process and whilst there was no new funding, there was no suggestion that the proposal would necessitate closure of other facilities.


39.6      RESOLVED- That the request for a new gender neutral wheelchair accessible toilet facility on the north side of Hove cemetery be agreed subject to the funding being approved as part of the 2020-21 budget process.

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