Agenda item - Major Projects Update

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Agenda item

Major Projects Update

Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture


64.1      The Committee received an update on progress made on Major Projects since the previous meeting.


64.2      In relation to page 166 of the agenda, the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture clarified a correction was needed and bullet point seven should read “Planning applications submitted for Coldean and Portslade”.


64.3      Councillor Mac Cafferty stated that Historic England had submitted an unusually strong proviso to the Sea Lanes Development. Councillor Mac Cafferty stated that it was clear the development would be resubmitted for planning permission at some point and clarity was required on the potential redevelopment of Madeira Drive. Councillor Mac Cafferty added that a more robust plan for that area of the city and seafront was required.


64.4      The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture stated that the Council required a clear approach in its duty and role as landlord. The Madeira Drive redevelopment framework did identify new development as a means to increase footfall in the area but that should be in a way that complimented the area and respected its status as a heritage site. The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture added that planning policy took some time to develop and the current priority in the area was restoration of the Arches.


64.5      Councillor Miller asked if there was a need for a masterplan or Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) in the Madeira Drive area. Furthermore, Councillor Miller asked if there were two or three stages to the Royal Pavilion Estate initiative, whether a Conditional Land Agreement had been signed for Brighton Waterfront by January 2019, whether sufficient resource and capacity was available for the New England House development as the process had taken some time and how the total project value for Madeira Terraces had been identified as £24m as previous reports had identified a figure of £7m.


64.6      In response to the various queries, the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture clarified that the Land Acquisition Agreement for the Waterfront had been approved by Policy, Resources & Growth Committee at its meeting on 6 December 2018 and the contract would be finalised by the end of the month, that there were three phases to the Royal Pavilion with phase 1 underway the focus turned toward phases 2 and 3, New England House was at planning permission stage and once that had been granted, a longer lease would be given to the owners of the state and the capital receipt could be used to invest in the site. In relation to the query raised on Madeira Terraces, Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that the sum of £24m related to the total capital cost of the project.


64.7      Councillor Miller noted that there were many ongoing projects across the city and asked whether there was sufficient resource and capacity to ensure these were managed and implemented successfully.


64.8      The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture answered that budget decisions were a matter for Members however, he was satisfied that the Major Projects team were managing projects well and effectively.


64.9      Councillor Morris stated that he had received many queries from residents relating to the crowdfunding for Madeira Terraces and asked for an update on progress.


64.10   The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture stated that the crowdfunding had been delayed due to the bids to the HLF which was the best opportunity to redevelop the Arches. The three Arches specified would now be progressed and work was expected to begin in late spring following the necessary procurement process.


64.11   Councillor Druitt asked if there would be a project director appointed to the Waterfront project, whether there were any risks associated with the King Alfred Development Agreement being signed by February 2019 and whether the Bevendean industrial site could be used as an alternative to the controversial Whitehawk site in the Living Wage Housing Joint Venture.


64.12   The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture clarified that Waterfront project manager would be appointed by the council given the significance and size of the project, clarified that the King Alfred redevelopment project would be on track subject to the approval of a report to be considered by Policy, Resources & Growth Committee on 24 January 2019 and confirmed that the Bevendean Industrial Site could be reviewed by the LWJV Board.

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