Agenda item - Royal Pavilion Garden Project Update

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Agenda item

Royal Pavilion Garden Project Update

Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture


1)           That the Tourism, Development & Culture Committee notes the progress made to date on Phase 2 work as laid out in section 4.1.


2)           That the Tourism, Development & Culture Committee adopts the recommendations in the Royal Pavilion Garden Conservation Plan (an executive summary forms Appendix 2 of this report).


3)           That the Tourism, Development & Culture Committee notes the next stages of the Phase 2 project and approves expenditure of £25,000 to complete work to support a resubmission of a grant application to the Heritage Lottery Fund as outlined in Section 4.3.


62.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that requested adoption of the recommendations in the Royal Pavilion Garden Conservation Plan and approval of expenditure of £25,000 to complete work to support a resubmission of a grant application to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF).


62.2      Councillor Druitt stated that he was encouraged by the detailed response provided by the HLF and thanked officers for their work to date.


62.3      Councillor Miller stated that it was clear to him that changes were required to the Gardens and asked if there was an alternative plan for funding than the HLF and whether there was a risk of overreliance on that particular source of funding.


62.4      The Royal Pavilion & Museums Head of Enterprise & Business answered that alternative sources of funding were always considered and the Council had also made a commitment of £500,000 of capital funding for matched funding however that could be used to undertake improvement works if the application for funding was unsuccessful.


62.5      The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture stated that the Royal Pavilion Foundation Trust was an important vehicle for raising funding and the HLF was not the only source of grant funding.


62.6      Councillor Morris asked if there was any consideration for moving the café and explained he was very supportive of it remaining in its current position. Councillor Morris added that there was clearly a night time anti-social behaviour problem in the Gardens and expressed his support for gating and locking the Gardens at night.


62.7      The Royal Pavilion & Museums Head of Enterprise & Business clarified that there was no proposal to move the café and there was an intention to improve the planting and layout in that area of the Garden. The issue of security had been a question in the Gardens consultation that had resulted in 46% of people being in favour of closing in Gardens at night and 46% against. The matter would be the subject of more specific consultation if the application for grant funding was successful.


62.8      Councillor Marsh noted that the public convenience located in the Garden was currently closed and asked when they would be re-opened.


62.9      The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture answered that there had been a short delay in the scheduled work as it was the matter of an insurance claim and the non-instructed works should take approximately one to two weeks.


62.10   Councillor Druitt noted that there was an area of astro turf located on the southern side of the Garden and asked if there was an intention to remove it as it was not in keeping with the rest of the Garden.


62.11   The Royal Pavilion & Museums Head of Enterprise & Business explained that this was a practical solution as that specific area was very busy and was constantly eroded. The Conservation Plan identified the introduction of a stepped seating area to replace the astro turf.


62.12   Councillor Mac Cafferty noted that the consultation events highlighted that a high number of visitors to the city felt unsafe at night in the Gardens and asked if there could be an awareness campaign that promoted safety but did not deter visitors simultaneously.


62.13   The Royal Pavilion & Museums Head of Enterprise & Business replied that instances of anti-social behaviour would continue to be advertised publicly and work and discussions would continue with Sussex Police on the matter.


62.14   Councillor Nemeth stated that he too supported closure of the Garden at night as anti-social behaviour was a significant problem.


62.15   RESOLVED-


1)           That the Tourism, Development & Culture Committee notes the progress made to date on Phase 2 work as laid out in section 4.1.


2)           That the Tourism, Development & Culture Committee adopts the recommendations in the Royal Pavilion Garden Conservation Plan (an executive summary forms Appendix 2 of this report).


3)           That the Tourism, Development & Culture Committee notes the next stages of the Phase 2 project and approves expenditure of £25,000 to complete work to support a resubmission of a grant application to the Heritage Lottery Fund as outlined in Section 4.3.

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