Agenda item - Formal Public Involvement

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Agenda item

Formal Public Involvement

This is the part of the meeting when members of the public can formally ask questions of the Board or present a petition.  These need to be notified to the Board in advance of the meeting Contact the Secretary to the Board at



4.1       The Chair noted that two questions from members of the public had been received. In Mr Scott’s absence the Chair read his question:


            "At what time do you believe the intervention of support services should be no longer necessary regarding a typical case of a homeless individual under the age of 25 (starting from the point of need)?"


4.2       The Chair responded:


            “People up to the age of 25 in Brighton & Hove can access services through an advice and mediation hub, which offers support to young people and their families to prevent homelessness.  Support ranges from one-off advice to casework lasting a period of months, and young people can return to the service at any time should they again be in need of support.  Those unable to remain in the family home are assisted to secure their own tenancy, or if vulnerable and in need of support, referred for supported accommodation.


Those entering the accommodation pathway will move into 24-hour intensive support or lower support semi-independent accommodation based on which service will bets meet their needs.  The time spent in services will vary.  The majority of young people accessing services have complex and multiple needs; support is tailored around individual goals, and is only curtailed following disengagement or risk to others.


Current figures indicate an average of 75% of service users move on from each tier within 2 years.  Most service users leaving high support will move onto the lower tier, others to independent tenancies.  After securing a tenancy, individuals may also receive floating support for up to 9 months or on an ongoing basis, which will be based on their individual support needs and circumstances. 



Please follow the link for more details on the HUB


4.3       The Chair asked Mr Kapp to put his question to the Board:


“Why do statements of the Council budget not include the health budget devolved to the CCG?”


4.4       The Chair responded:


“The Statement of Accounts do show both council and CCG contributions to both the Better Care Fund and S75 Partnerships (see page 105 and 106 of the unaudited 2017/18 accounts which are now available for public inspection here:


4.5       Mr Kapp stated as his supplementary question that his original question was in fact referring to the £400 million Government grant to the Brighton & Hove CCG. This budget was not factored in to the budget which was quoted by the Council leaflets distributed with the annual council tax bill in April. As the Council and CCG were now integrating health and social care and jointly commissioning and managing contract the entire budget which both organisation controlled should have be quoted.


4.6       The Chair stated that she would provide a full formal written response to Mr Kapp and invited the Chief Executive to respond on her behalf.


4.7       The Chief Executive stated that a statement of the total combined budget may come in time but the formal integration process had only started in May 2018 and there was a need to clarify what budgets the Health & Wellbeing Board had influence over.

Supporting documents:


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