Agenda item - BH2017/03400, 69 Saltdean Drive, Saltdean, Brighton- Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2017/03400, 69 Saltdean Drive, Saltdean, Brighton- Full Planning

Conversion of existing garage into habitable space with revised fenestration (Retrospective).


Ward Affected : Rottingdean Coastal


Conversion of existing garage into habitable space with revised fenestration (Retrospective).


(1)          The Principal Planning Officer, Liz Arnold, introduced the application and gave a presentation by reference to plans, photographs and elevational drawings. It was explained that the main considerations in determining the application related to their impact on amenity and their potential impact on parking in the area around the application site. The application was retrospective as construction had been largely completed at the time of the officer site visit.


(2)          It was noted that whilst the original front elevation had been altered and the loss of the balcony did cause detriment to the appearance of the building it was not considered that they caused such significant harm to the building to merit refusal. An assessment of the transport and parking issues associated with this application had concluded that there would be only a slight increase in the number of trips generated and any additional parking demand would not result in a severe impact on the highways network. Additional parking would not be likely at the busiest times for other parking demands in the area and it was considered that the impact would be reduced in that way. In the light of the transport comments received and the commitment made by the applicant to reduce the numbers of trips generated, the issue of parking was also not considered to be sufficient to merit refusal and approval was therefore recommended.


              Public Speakers


(3)          Mrs Gallagher spoke on behalf of the Saltdean Residents Association setting out their objections and those of local residents in respect of the scheme. Notwithstanding that this was a different application Mrs Gallagher reiterated that the concerns of local residents remained the same.


(4)          Councillor Mears spoke in her capacity as a Local Ward Councillor setting out her objections to the scheme. Councillor Mears reiterated that she considered that both of the proposed schemes would exacerbate existing  parking problems in the vicinity of the site especially in relation to Lustrells Vale Car Park and the fact that the number 69 bus via which it was indicated staff would access the site was a very limited and infrequent service.


(5)          Mr Macalister and Mr Hodjaev spoke on behalf of the applicants in support of their application and re-iterated their earlier comments in relation to the manner in which the scheme would operate and the parking and traffic movements which it was anticipated it would generate.


              Debate and Decision Making Process


(6)          Having received a joint presentation in respect of both applications and having raised questions and made their considerations in respect of both applications members proceeded to the vote in respect of this application.


(7)          A vote was taken and on a vote of 10 with 2 abstentions planning permission was granted.


109.9    RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the report and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informatives also set out in the report.

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