Agenda item - Presentation(s)

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Agenda item


Before proceeding to the formal business of the meeting there will be a brief presentation outlining the work of the International Women’s Network that has been developed from the One Voice Partnership.


Following the presentation Members will have the opportunity to ask questions after which there will be a short break before proceeding to the main business of the agenda.


50.1    The Committee received a presentation from Fiona Sharp and Linda Beanlands outlining the work of the International Women’s Network which had been developed as a result of the work of the One Voice Partnership.


50.2    It was explained that the network provided a platform for women from diverse cultures and backgrounds to share experience and knowledge and support one another. Meetings were held regularly at venues across the city with the intention of reaching into neighbourhood groups and sharing resources enabling those attending to share food and information, exchange ideas and build friendships. Those attending spoke a number of languages and were able to translate for one another and represented a wide age range, children were always welcome and the oldest attendees were over 80 years of age.


50.3    The network sought to take account of past and emerging national and local policy and practice and strategically they aimed to offer routes into employment and training opportunities, English language assistance, education and digital skills development, community and individual safety, parenting and family support, civic life and a voice to influence.


50.4    Those giving the presentation then went on to outline their proposed activities for 2018/19 which included establishing a list of Community Leads and contacts, establishing a “telephone tree” for potential outreach, offering the network as a resource to neighbourhood and city wide community and third sector groups and agencies to enable them to extend the reach and achievement of their objectives, develop the networks Facebook page and other communication resources, find a permanent meeting place and secure some funding to meet expenses. Additionally the network hoped to establish its programme of key social/befriending/general support activities such as its sewing, dance groups and meal sharing alongside developing its programme of activities on routes into employment, training, education, digital skills, apprenticeships and setting up small businesses (including the Food Market stall), establish a professional mentoring programme including entry into civic life, establish its English language offer including one to one and home support, ensure that its responses on community and individual safety, safeguarding, parenting and family support were appropriate, informed, complied with statutory referral arrangements and all other requirements, decided on its level of personal support and advocacy, defined and described its offer and limitations and encouraged more women to volunteer within the network, particularly those from diverse cultures and backgrounds.


50.5    Following the presentation Members had the opportunity to ask questions before proceeding to consider the remaining business on the agenda and thanked them for their presentation applauding the work they had been doing.


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