Agenda item - BH2017/02863 - University of Sussex, Refectory Road, Brighton - Reserved Matters

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Agenda item

BH2017/02863 - University of Sussex, Refectory Road, Brighton - Reserved Matters

Reserved matters application pursuant to outline permission BH2013/04337 for approval of appearance, landscaping and layout relating to new access road between Boiler House Hill and Science Park Road.


Ward Affected: Hollingdean and Stanmer


              Reserved matters application pursuant to outline permission BH2013/04337 for approval of appearance, landscaping and layout relating to new access road between Boiler House Hill and Science Park Road.


            Officer Presentation


(1)          The Principal Planning Officer, Chris Swain, introduced the application and gave a presentation by reference to plans, photographs and elevational drawings. It was explained that this proposal related specifically to the new access road between Boiler House Hill and Science Park Road. The scale and means of access had been approved under the outline application BH2013/04337 for the wider university masterplan, which had been allowed at appeal in 2015. This application sought approval of reserved matters in respect of the appearance, layout and landscaping of the access road. It was noted that the majority of the access road lay outside the local planning area of Brighton and Hove and fell within the jurisdiction of Lewes District Council.


(2)          The main considerations in determining this application related to the design, appearance, ecology and sustainable transport. The siting and scale of the proposed shared space access road remained unchanged from the road layout approved under the earlier outline application. Details had been provided showing the layout/construction materials of the road and landscaping. The layout of the road and associated landscaping followed a consistent approach which had been used throughout the campus. Overall, the proposal was considered acceptable with regard to its design and appearance and approval was therefore recommended.


              Questions for Officers


(3)          Councillor Mac Cafferty noted that outline permission had been granted and sought confirmation regarding the number of grade A and B specimens of tree to be replaced and whether this remained the same as that included in the original permission. It was confirmed that 3 different new species would be provided and that all conditions would be carried forward from that original consent.


(4)          Councillor C Theobald asked whether any Elm trees would be removed and it was confirmed that figure also remained consistent with the original permission.


              Debate and Decision Making Process


(5)          Members then moved straight to the vote. A vote was taken and the 11 Members who were present when the vote was taken voted unanimously that planning permission be granted.


86.2       RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the report and resolved to GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informative also set out in the report.


              Note: Councillor Littman was not present at the meeting when the vote was taken.



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