Agenda item - Section 106 - 2016/17 Contributions Financial Report

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Agenda item

Section 106 - 2016/17 Contributions Financial Report

Report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture (copy attached).


84.1       The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment and Culture which provided information and updates on the type and value of financial contributions made under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 in 2016/17.


84.2       The Principal Planning Officer (Section 106), Debra May presented the report explaining that these payments were secured through planning agreements or undertakings (“planning obligations”) as part of the planning application process and were determined by Planning Committee. This information was published in response to the recommendations in the Planning Advisory Group (PAS) Planning Peer Review, as it provided further information on measures to mitigate the impact of new development; and was more open and transparent. The report set out the type and value of contributions and the process for the allocation of contributions. The report also identified the need to meet policy objectives and the tests which needed to be applied including the need to be mindful of community infrastructure requirements and where sums of money received needed to be applied. This latter process formed part of the application process and was very specific.


84.3       Councillor Moonan asked for confirmation that all existing commitments were on target to be met and it was confirmed that they were.


84.4       Councillor Mac Cafferty welcomed the report stating that he looked forward to receiving further future updates. In noting the position relating to the procedure for securing CIL monies in future he understood that this fell outside the planning process and requested clarification regarding how the local plan would be amended to reflect such changes. It was explained that in future a more strategic approach would be adopted and officers would ensure that no breaches of any new restrictions occurred.


84.5       Councillor Morris welcomed the information which had been provided in relation to the “artistic” components, and was pleased to note how some schemes were moving forward. He cited Saltdean Lido also enquiring regarding progress on the Kensington Street scheme, noting that this latter matter was in hand.


84.6       Councillor C Theobald welcomed the report but noted that it appeared that in some instances it appeared that significant sums remained to be spent and sought clarification of the implications if sums committed remained unspent. It was explained that it was very rare for monies to be returned to the developer having been unspent. In answer to questions regarding where monies were spent, Councillor Theobald expressed disappointment that in some instances she considered that monies allocated, particularly for open space improvements could have been allocated for wider community benefit. It was explained that the formula used was site specific and the criteria regarding how/where monies could be spent was very narrowly drawn.


84.7       Councillor Miller welcomed the report and the details which provided as to how monies had been allocated and spent.


84.8    RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee notes the content of the report detailing the s.106 financial contributions held and those sums secured, received and spent within the last financial year (2016/17); and


            (2) That Committee agrees that updates are to be reported at the end of each financial year.

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