Agenda item - Issues Raised by Members

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Agenda item

Issues Raised by Members

To consider the following matters raised by councillors:


(a)       Petitions: to receive any petitions submitted to the full Council or at the meeting itself;


(b)       Written Questions: to consider any written questions;


(c)       Letters: to consider any letters;


(d)   Notices of Motion: to consider any Notices of Motion referred from Council or submitted directly to the Committee (copy  of Notice of Motion attached).



66.1    The Board considered the following Notice of Motion agreed at the Full Council meeting held on the 14th December 2017:

This Council resolves:

1.              To request that a report be brought to Housing & New Homes Committee on the business case modelling for a “spend to save” purchase of emergency/temporary accommodation by the council and that this modeling:

(i)              Estimates revenue savings on current expenditure of private provision;

(ii)             Estimates the capital appreciation and rental incomethat would flow to the council through ownership of Emergency accommodation;

(iii)           Explores the potential to offer greater support to residents of emergency accommodation from any savings achieved;

(iv)           Should take into account and continue to build on the work already in progress onthe feasibility of temporary housing options, in addition to the existing HRA purchasing policy;

2.       That after consideration and approval of thereport by the Housing & New Homes Committee any recommendations be referred to the Policy, Resources & Growth committee, such as recommendations on policy changes and delegated powers.

66.2   The Chair suggested that the report should include work already being carried out in remodelling temporary accommodation, such as Stonehurst Court and the Oxford Street former housing office and properties lost under right to buy.


66.3   Councillor Gibson commented that the Notice of Motion had been supported by all parties. The scope of the motion did include emergency accommodation and built on the start that had already been made. There was a massive potential to using the rental income of council owned temporary and emergency accommodation rather than using the private sector.


66.4    RESOLVED:


(1)            That the Notice of Motion be noted.


(2)            That it is noted and approved that a report be brought to the Housing & New Homes Committee as outlined in the Notice of Motion.


Supporting documents:


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