Agenda item - BH2016/06421 - 9 Baywood Gardens, Brighton - Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2016/06421 - 9 Baywood Gardens, Brighton - Full Planning

Change of use from 6 bedroom small house in multiple occupation (C4) to 7 bedroom house in multiple occupation (Sui Generis).


Ward Affected: Woodingdean


Change of use from 6 bedroom small house in multiple occupation (C4) to 7 bedroom house in multiple occupation (Sui Generis).


Officer Presentation


1)               The Principal Planning Officer introduced the application and gave a presentation with reference to plans, photographs and elevational drawings and explained the proposed occupancy was eight as some of the rooms were large enough for double occupancy. The proposal was for the store room to be converted into a bedroom and there was a condition ensuring the kitchen/dining room, tv room and utility room were retained as communal space. The application included the removal of Permitted Development Rights and an added condition for the supply of cycle parking on site.


Questions for Officers


2)               In response to Councillor Miller it was explained that there was 22m2 of communal space. The national space standards for dwellings did not include HMOs and Licensing worked on guidelines, rather than fixed standards. It was explained that the Planning Authority tried to gain a reasonable amount of communal space within an HMO and calculated approximately 4-5m2 per occupant. This premises would be 3m2 per occupant and would be deemed unacceptable; however, the bedrooms were large.


3)               In response to Councillor C. Theobald the Principal Planning Officer explained that there were three en-suite bathrooms and two communal bathrooms.


4)               In response to Councillor Moonan it was noted that there was outside space and this would provide additional amenity space to the communal area.


Decision Making Process


5)               The Chair then put the application to the vote, and the Officer recommendation that the application be granted was carried unanimously.


73.10    RESOLVED That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation, and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report.

Supporting documents:


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