Agenda item - Performance Report

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Agenda item

Performance Report

Report presented by Ododo Dafe, Head of Income, Involvement & Improvement



21.1    Ododo Dafe, Head of Income Involvement and Improvement, presented the Performance report and gave a brief overview of some details. She requested if there was members had any preference on the details provided and the format in which they are presented.


21.2    Residents had the following statements, questions and concerns:


·         A resident expressed approval of the new report front cover

·         A resident enquired if it would be possible to just send the report out and have it taken as read at the meeting, keeping the item open for questions only as opposed to a long report presentation


21.3    Officers responded to resident’s concerns and enquiries with the following:


·         Ododo Dafe stressed that Area Panels exist partially for residents to scrutinise Brighton & Hove City Council’s performance across the City.


21.4    AGREED that the report be noted.

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