Agenda item - Major Projects Update

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Agenda item

Major Projects Update

Information paper from the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture (copy attached).


25.1    The Committee considered the content of the Major Projects Bulletin which set out updates in respect of major schemes in progress across the City including the Royal Pavilion Estate Brighton Waterfront, the King Alfred Development and Circus Street. It was noted that this information had been presented in a new format which it was hoped would aid understanding.


25.2    Councillor Morris noted that ticket sales for the 1360 had been less than had been projected and hoped that would not be negative in the longer term and that those figures would be published and would available in the public domain. Councillor Mears stated that she believed that information had been published and was easily accessible. Councillor Mears also welcomed the new format for this report which in her view made it easier to pick out the headline items.


25.3    Councillor Druitt welcomed the report stating that as it was received for information it always appeared at the foot of the agenda considering which was regrettable, requesting that thought be given to placing it higher on future agendas. The Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture confirmed that would be done.


25.4    RESOLVED – That the contents of the report be received and noted.

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