Agenda item - Review of the Constitution - October 2017

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Agenda item

Review of the Constitution - October 2017

Extract from the proceedings of the Policy, Resources & Growth Committee meeting held on the 12th October, 2017; together with a report of the Executive Lead Officer for Strategy, Governance & Law (copies attached).


38.1         Councillor Moonan introduced the report which detailed proposed changes to the council’s constitution that had been considered by the Constitution Working Group and were recommended for adoption.  She noted that there were changes to the terms of reference for the Audit & Standards Committee and the Neighbourhoods, Inclusion, Communities & Equalities Committee.


38.2         Councillor Mac Cafferty referred to the extract from the proceedings of the Policy, Resources & Growth committee and noted that there were a number of changes to the constitution.  He also noted that there had been a number of other changes to the constitution and suggested that it would be helpful to have a consolidated list of those changes and to ensure these were made known publicly and for members of the public to be consulted.


38.3         Councillor Gibson stated that he welcomed the work of the Constitutional Working Group and hoped that it would take note of the request to review the timings for public involvement in committee meetings.  He believed it would be helpful if reports could be made publicly available earlier and that it would enhance the democratic process and allow for greater public involvement.


38.4         Councillor Moonan noted the comments and stated that she was happy to ensure the matters were considered by the Working Group and noted that the engagement process did work well; albeit that some minor changes could be made potentially.


38.5         RESOLVED: That the proposed changes to the Council’s Constitution as set out in paragraphs 3.12 to 3.19 of the report and in appendices 4-6 as amended be approved.

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