Agenda item - Tenancy Agreement Report

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Agenda item

Tenancy Agreement Report

Report of the Executive Director for Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing (copy attached).


8.1       The Tenancy Services Operations Manager introduced the report and highlighted:


·           There was a legal requirement to update the tenancy agreement which was last updated in 2009.

·           There were additional sections added to cover senior housing and extra care and the sections coving fire arms and fire safety have been expanded with a 0 tolerance policy on using common ways for storage in both low and high rises.

·           Joint tenancies could be ended by either party with the possibility of a new single tenancy being issued.

·           All tenant rights were now listed together at the end of the agreement.

·           Changes to succession rights were referenced but implementation of any changes has been delayed


8.2      In response to concerns raised by residents the Officers clarified:


·           Fire safety could be added as an agenda item to a future meeting to enable a fuller discussion.

·           Residents could contact East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service to arrange for a free fire safety check of their homes. This was open to all residents and not restricted to council tenants.

·           Alternative storage areas for scooters were being considered.


8.3       RESOLVED: The report was noted


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