Agenda item - Public Involvement

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Agenda item

Public Involvement

To consider the following matters raised by members of the public:


(a)          Petitions: To receive any petitions presented by members of the public to the full Council or at the meeting itself.


(i)            Ban Animal Circuses in Brighton – Referred from full Council on the 6th April 2017.

(ii)          Animal Circuses in Brighton


(b)          Written Questions: To receive any questions submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 14 September 2017.


(c)          Deputations: To receive any deputations submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 14 September 2017.



16a     Petition(s)


16.1    The Chair Referred to the fact that two petitions had been received, one of which had been referred from the Council meeting held on 6 April 2017. This had been deferred from consideration at the last meeting of the Committee in order to be considered in conjunction with the report on the "Review of Animal Welfare (Item 18 on the agenda for that days meeting. There was also an additional petition to be presented at the meeting on the same subject although representing an opposite view. The Chair confirmed that he would therefore take each item in turn before then taking Item 18 and opening the matter up for discussion.


16.2    The Chair stated that in view of the delay in giving consideration to the petition from Ms Baumgardt the Chair invited her to come forward and to address the Committee. Ms Baumgardt was advised that she had up to three minutes in which to outline the reasons for the petition.


16.3    The Chair thanked Ms Baumgardt for her submission and referred to the second petition which had been submitted by Mr David Hibling requesting that animal circuses are not banned in the city. Mr Hibling was invited forward to address the Committee and was also advised that he had up to 3 minutes to outline the reasons for the petition and to confirm the number of signatories. The Chair thanked Mr Hibling for his submission.


16.4    The Chair suggested that as two conflicting petitions had been presented and the issues arising would be discussed in connection with the report on the Animal Welfare Charter (item 18 on that day’s agenda) that it would be appropriate for the Committee to agree to note the contents of both petitions.


16.5    RESOLVED – That the content of the petitions be noted.


16b     Written Questions


16.4    There were none.


16c     Deputations


16.5    There were none.

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