Agenda item - BH2016/02459 - Former Brewery Site, South Street, Portslade - Full Planning

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Agenda item

BH2016/02459 - Former Brewery Site, South Street, Portslade - Full Planning

Partial demolition of existing buildings, conversion of remaining buildings from industrial (B2) to a mixed use development comprising 37 self-contained flats (C3), 674 sqm of employment floorspace (B1) (art studios and ancillary galleries, shared community space and café). Erection of 11 new dwellings (C3). Formation of 47 parking spaces, soft and hard landscaping.


Ward Affected :South Portslade


            Partial demolition of existing buildings, conversion of remaining buildings from industrial (B2) to a mixed use development comprising 37 self-contained flats (C3), 674 sqm of employment floorspace (B1) (art studios and ancillary galleries, shared community space and café).Erection of 11 new dwellings (C3). Formation of 47 parking spaces, soft and hard landscaping.


(1)          It was noted that this application had formed the subject of a site visit prior to the meeting.


Officer Presentation


(2)          The Principal Planning Officer, Chris Swain, introduced the application and gave a presentation by reference to plans, photographs and elevational drawings. It was noted that the last sentence of paragraph 5.41 was incomplete and should read: “No details of the level of interest in the site have been submitted with the application.” Two further representations had been received supporting the application and a further representation had been received commenting that there was concern as to whether No.57 High Street would still have clear access to the rear gate of their garden from High Street.


(3)          The site related to the former Portslade Brewery Site, to the east of South Street which comprised of a mix of industrial buildings of different scales, design and age. Currently the site was vacant. A number of buildings on the site were locally listed whilst there were also listed buildings in close proximity outside the site. The site was located within the Portslade Old Village Conservation Area. Planning permission was being sought for the partial demolition of existing buildings, conversion of remaining buildings from industrial to a mixed use development comprising 37 self-contained flats and employment floor space and the erection of 11 new build dwelling houses and pre-application advice had been given on a proposed mixed use scheme.


(4)          The proposed development would deliver 48 residential units and 674sqm of employment (B1) floor space and secure the restoration and the retention of important locally listed buildings whilst preserving the appearance and character of the Portslade Conservation Area. Whilst the loss of a significant amount of employment floor space and the limited affordable housing to be provided was disappointing it was acknowledged that there were significant constraints in regards to heritage, transport, flood risk and amenity which would most likely preclude a viable scheme that could satisfy all policy requirements. Overall, the deficiencies in the policy requirements and the heritage harm in some aspects of the proposal needed to be weighed against the substantial benefits of providing a viable mixed use scheme that would regenerate the site and safeguard significant and prominent locally listed buildings whilst preserving the Portslade Old Village Conservation Area. Approval of planning permission was therefore recommended subject to the completion of a s106 planning legal agreement and to the conditions recommendations set out in the report.


              Public Speakers


(5)          Councillor Hamilton spoke in his capacity as a Local Ward Councillor. Whilst he and his ward colleague, Councillor Robins supported the scheme overall which they considered in all the circumstances was a good application and they had no trouble with the buildings, they considered that highways issues need amending particularly in relation to access/egress arrangements in order to ensure ease of access to/from the site and to avoid traffic tailbacks in the vicinity of the site. He was aware that Councillor Robins had attended the site visit the previous day in order to clarify these matters.


(6)          Messrs Fitter, Crutchley and Harrison were in attendance on behalf of the applicants in order to answer any questions in respect of the scheme which officers were unable to answer. They confirmed that they would be happy to address the highways issues raised by Councillor Hamilton.


              Questions for Officers


(7)          Councillors Miller and C Theobald sought further clarification regarding the proposed access arrangements and the Chair, Councillor Cattell, confirmed that this could be conditioned.


(8)          Councillor Morris enquired whether details of materials would come back before Members for approval and it was confirmed that they would.


(9)          Councillor Mac Cafferty asked whether any potential issues in relation to surface water flooding had been addressed and it was confirmed they had. Also, whether the gallery use could be conditioned. Whilst this could not be specified it was understood that a firm interest had be expressed.


(10)       Councillors Hill and Littman enquired regarding viability and how the policy requirements had been met given that there would be a loss of office space overall.


(11)       Councillor C Theobald sought clarification of the number of on-site parking spaces which would be available.


(12)       Councillor Bennett asked whether additional signage could be provided indicating the access to the site but it was considered that whilst that could be suggested to the applicant they would not be required to do so.


              Debate and Decision Making Process


(13)       Councillor Morris stated that on balance he felt able to support the scheme as there was clearly a willingness by the applicant to address traffic and highway issues.


(14)       Councillor Littman considered that the scheme represented a good use of the space.


(15)       Councillor Miller stated that he supported the scheme welcoming the element of affordable housing which was to be provided.


(16)       Councillor Cattell, the Chair, stated that a number of issues had been addressed and balanced in trying to make the best use of the site and she supported the recommendation to grant.


(17)       Councillor Gilbey stated that she did not support the scheme which ibn her view had not fully addressed the significant parking/traffic issues which could impact on the surrounding road network or the loss of employment and number of housing units proposed.


(18)       A vote was taken and on a vote of 10 to 1 the 11 Members present voted that minded to grant planning permission be given.


33.2       RESOLVED – That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in the report and resolves that it is Minded to Grant planning permission subject to  a s106 agreement and to the Conditions and Informatives also set out in the report and below:


Alterations to S106 Head of Terms;

Affordable Housing: On site provision of 2no. 2 bedroom shared ownership new build units, with a payment in lieu of additional Affordable Housing provision of £19,550.


Supporting documents:


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