Agenda item - Planning Enforcement Annual report 2016/17

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Agenda item

Planning Enforcement Annual report 2016/17

Report of the  Principal Planning Enforcement Officer (copy attached)


18.1       The Committee considered the Planning Enforcement Annual Report 2016/17 which had been prepared by the Principal Planning Officer, Enforcement, Robin Hodgetts.


18.2       It was explained by the Principal Planning Officer, Enforcement, that during the consultation period undertaken as part of the development of Planning Enforcement Policy Document (PEPD), Members and residents had expressed an interest in being informed about the progress and outcomes of enforcement investigations. In consequence it had been agreed that an annual monitoring report would be presented to the Planning Committee.


18.3       The Chair, Councillor Cattell, noted that it was imminent that the team would have its full complement of staff and would therefore be able to take a more proactive approach and to undertake targeted pieces of work. Councillor Cattell commended the significant amount of work which had been undertaken to address issues arising in relation to Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs). There had been a number of recent successes and this stood as testament to the rigorous work which had taken place.


18.4       Councillor C Theobald concurred stating that she was very pleased to note the progress that had been made in respect of HMOs. In answer to questions the Principal Planning Officer, Enforcement, Robin Hodgetts, confirmed that there were a number of enforcement matters which had yet to be allocated to an officer but on which work was in hand.


18.5       Councillor Morris referred to instances of breaches of which he was aware within his own ward some of which had a long history. He hoped that the approach which had been adopted in the past of carrying out targeted work would be re-instituted. The Principal Planning Officer, Enforcement, Robin Hodgetts, stated that now the team had its full complement of staff this work would be prioritised. If Members provided the team with details relating to their individual wards they would be investigated.


18.6       Councillor Mac Cafferty cited the number of Section215 Notices which had been issued asking for further details regarding how this process operated. Councillor Inkpin-Leissner considered that the level of work undertaken, much of it when there had been gaps in staffing had had a positive impact. He hoped that this would be publicised in order to highlight these successes.


18.7       Councillors Hyde and Miller were pleased to note the progress which had been made stating that they had confidence going forward and that cases would be dealt with more expeditiously.


18.8       Councillor Moonan referred to the appointment of field officers, who would be involved in the investigation of planning enforcement matters in addition to the Planning Enforcement Team stating that their role was integral to, and dovetailed with that which would be carried out in neighbourhood hubs, which had formed the subject of a report considered at a recent meeting of the Neighbourhoods, Inclusion, Communities and Equalities Committee.


18.9       In answer to questions by Councillor Greenbaum it was explained that the action taken had to be cost effective and proportionate, the Council itself had no control over the level at which fines were set.


18.10    RESOLVED – That the contents of the report be received and noted.

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