Agenda item - Update on Investment programme

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Agenda item

Update on Investment programme

Report of the Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board


1)           That the Board note the report.



6.1         The Board considered a report of the Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board that provided a progress update on the Greater Brighton Investment Programme since the previous meeting on 25 April 2017. The report also provided an update on the Local Growth Fund (LGF) in relation to both the allocations made as part of round 3 of the Growth Deal and the progress of projects financed from unallocated Growth Deal round 1 and 2 funds.


6.2         Andrew Swayne praised the standard of the report but felt that future reports could give more details on timings and schedules. Andrew also requested the reintroduction of the traffic light grading for projects and timelines as a method of oversight.


6.3         Nick Hibberd replied that good progress was being made on projects and a lot of the work in the City Deal was now being delivered. The reintroduction of a traffic light grading could be considered alongside a closer alignment with the report mechanisms the LEP produced.


6.4         Steve Allen confirmed that the LEP used a project dashboard detailing deliverability and he would consult colleagues on the best way to share that.


6.5         Councillor Wall stated that the scale and ambition of the projects was clear to see however, it was clear that the regions highway authorities played a crucial role in the delivery of schemes, particularly those outside Brighton and at some point, the Board would have to consider their possible inclusion as active members.


6.6         Councillor Morgan stated that there was scope to address the points raised by Councillor Wall both through the LEP and SE7 and also Sub-National Transport Board for the South East (SNTB)


6.7         Councillor Wall replied that he did not believe the practicalities of the suggestion would be straightforward or simple.


6.8         Geoff Raw stated that it may be useful to the Board to receive a report on the matter both to understand and make clear the Board’s role and to develop a narrative about what was intended across the City Region. That in turn could be put into the arena of the SNTB to influence funding and policy decisions.


6.9         Andrew Swayne stated that he was minded to agree with the comments made by Geoff Raw but it was essential that key transport partners were present at Board meetings in some capacity.


6.10      Prof Humphries stated that a joined up approach was incredibly important and a strategic engagement with partners and stakeholders was very much needed.


6.11      RESOLVED- That the Board note the report.

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