Agenda item - The following Notices of Motion have been submitted by Members for consideration:

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Agenda item

The following Notices of Motion have been submitted by Members for consideration:

(a)          Voter Registration for Young People.  Proposed by Councillor Russell-Moyle (copy attached).


(b)          Off-Plan Sales.  Proposed by Councillor Cattell (copy attached).


(c)          Commitment to Sustainable & Ethical Procurement.  Proposed by Councillor Greenbaum (copy attached).


(d)          Cycling Strategy. Proposed by Councillor Druitt (copy attached).


(e)          Grenfell Tower.  Proposed by Councillors Morgan, Janio and Mac Cafferty (copy attached).



(a)    Voter Registration for Young People


25.1      The Notice of Motion as listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Russell-Moyle on behalf of the Labour & Co-operative Group and seconded by Councillor Yates.


25.2      Councillor Bell moved an amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group, which was seconded by Councillor Miller.


25.3      The Mayor noted that the Conservative amendment had been accepted in full and therefore put the following substantive motion to the vote which was carried unanimously:


“This council:

Requests the Chief Executive explores working with the local universities  and local  colleges as applicable, in order to discuss  the potential for the implementation of the “Sheffield model” voter registration approach for students in time for the September 2017 student intake and will work with the Government on their investigation and review of double voting; and


Acknowledges the work undertaken by the Electoral Services team that resulted in increased numbers of registered voters, including younger people, for the May 2017 General Election and welcomes their current efforts.”


25.4      The Mayor confirmed that the motion had been carried.


(b)   Off-Plan Sales


25.5      The Notice of Motion as listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Cattell on behalf of the Labour & Co-operative Group and seconded by Councillor Meadows.


25.6      Councillor Nemeth moved an amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group which was seconded by Councillor Mears.


25.7      The Mayor noted that the Conservative amendment had been accepted in full and therefore put the following substantive motion to the vote which was carried unanimously:


“This Council requests that:


(1)    The Chief Executive writes to Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government to seek the introduction of new primary legislation for all local Authorities to ring-fence for a prescribed period of time – as determined locally - the sale of properties 'off-plan' at a discount to:


·      first-time buyers who are local residents who have expressed an interest following a call for such expression of interest

·      Registered Providers, and

·      Local Councils


After which prescribed period of time such properties would then be offered to all other local potential buyers, prior to UK commercial and overseas investors;


(2)    That prior to the implementation of any guidance received, a report be produced and presented to Tourism, Development and Culture Committee to advise the likely impact such powers will have on:-


a)     future housing development projects by private entities in the City,

b)     local property prices,

c)     potential additional homes provided, and

d)     quantity of and proportion by development set aside for affordable homes.”


25.8      The Mayor confirmed that the motion had been carried.


(c)    Commitment to Ethical and Sustainable Procurement


25.9      The Notice of Motion as listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Greenbaum on behalf of the Green Group and seconded by Councillor Sykes.


25.10   Councillor Greenbaum stated that she wished to revise the motion in view of information that had come to light and therefore drew Members’ attention to the revised wording that had been circulated with the addendum.


25.11   The Mayor noted that the revision to the motion had been accepted by the council and therefore put the following substantive motion to the vote which was carried unanimously


“This Council notes previous work undertaken under Administrations of all colours in developing local policy on environmental and social sustainability, and calls on the Council to update and deepen its Sustainable Procurement Policy (last updated December 2014) by resolving  to:


Request that the Procurement Advisory Board (PAB) explore the adoption of a new international guidance framework for Sustainable Procurement (ISO 20400 quality standard) as a best practice benchmark for our Council, thereby providing leadership in this area and demonstrating the high standard we expect in quality, sustainability and ethical procurement from our suppliers, and that PAB provide a report on this work to the Policy, Resources & Growth Committee.”


25.12   The Mayor confirmed that the motion had been carried.


(d)   Cycling Strategy


25.13   The Notice of Motion as listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Druitt on behalf of the Green Group and seconded by Councillor West.


25.14   The Mayor then put the following motion as listed to the vote, which was carried unanimously:


“This Council welcomes the imminent launch of the city’s Bike Hire Scheme and notes the importance of cycling in improving health, enhancing air quality and reducing congestion. This Council further acknowledges the successful initiatives the council has pursued under all parties to encourage cycling in the city, such as the Local Transport Plan, the Cycling Ambition initiative and the Space for Cycling commitment:


            This Council resolves to:


            Request that a report be brought to Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee outlining options for implementing a specific and ambitious cycling strategy for Brighton and Hove, with information included that would help to:


a)    Identify what progress has been made against the cycling goals of the Local Transport Plan, to encourage a healthy cycling culture whereby cycling is safe, easy and enjoyable;


b)    Explore options for the continued development of better cycling infrastructure such as the creation of a ‘Brighton and Hove Cycle network’ (modelled on the successful London Cycle Network) of joined up and marked routes, connecting sections of ‘stranded’ routes and improving the cycling experience across road junctions;


c)    Explore the funding options available (such as grants, Section 106 agreements and the Community Infrastructure Levy) to support improved cycling infrastructure, more cycle parking and greater use of initiatives like personal travel planning, employee purchase schemes and rider and maintenance training;


d)    Facilitate greater engagement with residents and cycling groups in the city to ensure maximum support for a cycling strategy and to encourage the creation of political ‘Cycling Champions’ across all parties.”


25.15   The Mayor confirmed that the motion had been carried.


(e)    Grenfell Tower


25.16   The Mayor noted that the item had been taken earlier in the agenda under item No.15. (15.21 of the minutes).

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