Agenda item - Mayor's Communications.

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Agenda item

Mayor's Communications.

To receive communications from the Mayor.


76.1      The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted that the council faced a number of difficult decisions.  He was aware of the public interest in the budget and asked that those members of the public present respect the decision-making process and allow for a full debate to take place without any disturbance.


76.2      The Mayor also drew Members attention to a number of events taking place in support of his charities and noted that the Mayoral Chauffeur was running in the weekend’s half-marathon.


76.3      The Mayor then noted that he had some sad news with the loss of a previous council employee, Jack McAngus who had passed away recently after illness.  Whilst on a happier note, it was his eldest son’s 18th birthday and he hoped to be able to celebrate it in the usual way later on in the evening.


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