Agenda item - Declarations of Substitutes and Interests and Exclusions

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Agenda item

Declarations of Substitutes and Interests and Exclusions


51.1    Councillor Yates was unable to attend the meeting due to illness, and members agreed that Councillor Barford should Chair the meeting in his absence. The Board wished Councillor Yates a speedy recovery.


51.2    Apologies were received from Councillors Yates and Ken Norman, who was also unwell, and from Dr Sikdar. Dr Supple sent notice that he would be late to the meeting.


51.3    Councillors Penn and Ann Norman attended the meeting as substitutes for Councillors Yates and Ken Norman respectively.


51.4    Councillor Barford declared a disclosable and pecuniary interest in Item 56 as she was employed by St Peter and St James Hospice in North Chailey; but stated that she had received a dispensation to speak and vote on the item.


51.5    RESOLVED – That the press and public be not excluded from the meeting.


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