Agenda item - Housing Fire Safety Policy

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Agenda item

Housing Fire Safety Policy

Report of the Executive Director for Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing (copy attached).


21.1    Di Hughes, Business Change Manager, and Mike Meik, Health & Safety Business Partner, introduced the report and highlighted:


·         The new fire safety policy would be reported at the Housing & New Homes Committee on 18 January 2017.

·         The current policies and vulnerable resident fire procedures had been updated.

·         The sprinkler system had been installed in Somerset Point and a further two high rise blocks were to have the system installed in 2017.

·         Following the advice from the East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service, alternative solutions were being found to store mobility scooters, as they could not be kept in the communal hallways.

·         There was an article in the previous edition of Homing In providing information regarding fire safety, and there would be a further, more detailed, article in the winter edition. Posters had been redesigned and leaflets had been produced.


21.2In response to queries from the Panel the Officers clarified:


·         The article in Homing In did give advice regarding the use of candles.

·         A resident believed that the sprinkler was unnecessary, not aesthetically pleasing and may disturb the residents. The Officer responded and explained that the sprinkler system was an additional precaution and was match funded by the East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service (ESFRS). The sprinkler system would put the fire out quicker and would limit the damage caused, in addition to potentially saving the lives of residents and fire fighters.

·         The sprinklers were in every room in the flats and common ways.

·         A failure in compartmentation was highly unlikely, especially in purpose built blocks; however, regular checks were undertaken.

·         The cooker cut off system would be wired to an electric cooker and if it was to detect the temperature exceeding a certain amount, the supply would be cut off before a fire developed.

·         If anything was noticed on the communal hallways then residents should contact the Housing team, rather than wait for an estate inspection.


21.3    RESOLVED – That the Panel agreed to note the report.

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