Agenda item - STAR tenant satisfaction survey 2016

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Agenda item

STAR tenant satisfaction survey 2016

Report of Executive Director Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing (copy attached).



(1)          That the contents of the report and the comments of the Committee outlined above, be noted.


(2)          That following the ARP report on the STAR survey, that a further report be issued to the Committee, identifying proposed actions to improve services in response to tenants’ feedback, as outlined in the survey.



60.1   The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing which provided feedback from a satisfaction survey of a sample of council tenants carried out in June 2016.  The survey results provided an up to date and statistically significant indication of customer satisfaction on a range of council housing services. The report was presented by the Business & Performance Manager and the Head of Tenancy Services, accompanied by Lucas Critchley of Mears Ltd.        


60.2    The Head of Tenancy Services stated that paragraph 3.3 on page 132 of the agenda set out a number of core indicators and showed the benchmark position.

60.3    Councillor Druitt referred to page 132. He noted that the two areas where satisfaction had gone down were fundamental. These were ‘The overall quality of your home’ and ‘Your Neighbourhood as a place to live’. He asked if officers could explain the downward trend. The Head of Tenancy Services stressed the need to focus on the key indicators that were going in the wrong direction. The result of ‘Your neighbourhood as a place to live’ was disappointing.  The council was carrying out work with tenants around grounds maintenance and were commencing a review of grounds maintenance and the satisfaction of the service.  Officers were also carrying out work with City Clean. A report on this matter would be brought back to Committee and feedback would be obtained from tenants.  


60.4    The Business & Performance Manager stated that there was a 1% drop in satisfaction for ‘the overall quality of your home’.  There was more detail provided in paragraph 3.6.1 of the report.  This stated that satisfaction varied by property type, and was significantly higher for those in properties built between 1975 and 1990 (87%).  In contrast, those living in properties built before 1945 were significantly less satisfied than average (73%). Room layouts were smaller in older properties. Housing Services were improving this situation by carrying out the extensions and conversions programme. This was a four year investment programme.   


60.5    Councillor Gibson stressed the importance of learning from surveys.  He asked officers if they could send him an equivalent Star Survey report for 2014 as he would like to see the breakdown.


60.6    Councillor Gibson proposed the following amendment which was seconded by Councillor Druitt:


          ‘That where the recommendations are listed in the policy, under point 2, that the following be added:


          2.2 That following the ARP report on the STAR survey, that a further report be issued to the Committee, identifying proposed actions to improve services in response to tenants’ feedback, as outlined in the survey.’


60.7    Councillor Gibson explained that the report back would look at the action plan on areas the council were seeking to improve. 


60.8    Councillor Barnett referred to the indicator ‘Your neighbourhood as a place to live’. She stated that the majority of complaints of which she was aware were regarding neglected gardens.  The Head of Tenancy Services agreed that this was an issue. Sometimes people were unable to care for their gardens.  Enforcement action could be taken if necessary.


60.9    Members voted on the Green amendment as outlined in paragraph 60.6 above.  The amendment was agreed unanimously.  Members then voted on recommendation 2.1 which was also agreed unanimously.


60.10  RESOLVED:-


(1)            That the contents of the report and the comments of the Committee outlined above, be noted.


(2)            That following the ARP report on the STAR survey, that a further report be issued to the Committee, identifying proposed actions to improve services in response to tenants’ feedback, as outlined in the survey.

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