Agenda item - One Public Estate Programme Application

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Agenda item

One Public Estate Programme Application

Report of the Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board (copy attached).


1)           That the Board give retrospective approval to the Greater Brighton OPE Expression of Interest.


2)           That the Board nominate Brighton & Hove City Council (BHCC) to act as the lead authority; to be the main point of contact for the partnership in completing the final Service and Assets Delivery Plan and to be responsible for co-ordinating the activity delivered by the intended OPE partnership.


3)           That the Board permit BHCC to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the OPE programme, which agrees funding for the next stage of the application process and commits to producing a final detailed Service and Assets Delivery Plan by 29 July 2016.


4)           That the Board agree that £25,000 of the £50,000 capacity funding awarded for this stage of the application process be used to appoint a full-time consultant to establish the Greater Brighton Property Board and produce the City Region’s final detailed Service and Assets Delivery Plan within the required timescale.



7.1         The Board considered a report of the Chair, Greater Brighton Officer Programme Board that provided an overview of the One Public Estate Programme and its application process for membership and sought Board approval to enter into the next stage of the application process.


7.2         Andrew Swayne welcomed the report and provided his support in applying to a exciting programme that lined up with the objectives of the GBEB. Andrew extended his congratulations to colleagues for progressing the application so quickly and at short notice and asked if delegated authority would be provided to the Chief Executive for Brighton & Hove City Council.


7.3         Nick Hibberd stated that he would circulate the bid although the timescales for input ahead of submission were very tight. Nick Hibberd clarified that the bid would be signed off by himself, the Section 105 Officer, Alex Bailey and Councillor Humphreys in his capacity as Chair of the Board.


7.4         Councillor Morgan extended his support to apply for a programme that would deliver a joined up approach to public services in neighbourhoods and communities. Councillor Morgan added that it provided an opportunity to develop housing stock and infrastructure and help provide a much more efficient service.


7.5         RESOLVED-


1)           That the Board give retrospective approval to the Greater Brighton OPE Expression of Interest.


2)           That the Board nominate Brighton & Hove City Council (BHCC) to act as the lead authority; to be the main point of contact for the partnership in completing the final Service and Assets Delivery Plan and to be responsible for co-ordinating the activity delivered by the intended OPE partnership.


3)           That the Board permit BHCC to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the OPE programme, which agrees funding for the next stage of the application process and commits to producing a final detailed Service and Assets Delivery Plan by 29 July 2016.


4)           That the Board agree that £25,000 of the £50,000 capacity funding awarded for this stage of the application process be used to appoint a full-time consultant to establish the Greater Brighton Property Board and produce the City Region’s final detailed Service and Assets Delivery Plan within the required timescale.

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