Agenda item - New Homes for Neighbourhood - Small Site Design Competition

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Agenda item

New Homes for Neighbourhood - Small Site Design Competition

Report of Acting Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture (copy attached).



(1)            That the winning designs for the four sites included within the RIBA Design Competition, namely: Hinton Close, Natal Road, Frederick Street and Rotherfield Crescent (see Appendix 1), be noted.


(2)            That the two highest scoring designs (Hinton Close and Natal Road) are taken forward to detailed design stage and undergo further financial appraisal before coming back to Committee for final scheme approval.


(3)            That further site investigation and surveys are undertaken in relation to the two remaining schemes (Frederick Street and Rotherfield Crescent), in order to achieve greater cost certainty to support the detailed design development work.



9.1     The Committee considered the report of the Acting Executive Director Economy Environment & Culture which focused on the results of the recent Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Design Competition targeted at four of the council’s smaller, more challenging sites included within the Small Site Strategy.  These were Hinton Close, Natal Road, Frederick Street and Rotherfield Crescent.  The design competition was one of a number of innovative pilot projects identified in the Strategy to deliver housing units on the smaller sites within the New Homes for Neighbourhood Programme. The report recommended that all four winning designs be taken forward for further design development work.  Members were shown a presentation showing visuals of the four winning schemes.  The report was presented by the Project Manager and Programme Manager City Regeneration Unit.


9.2     The Chair stated that it was exciting to see that small garage sites could be developed in this way.


9.3     Councillor Moonan stated that she was now a member of the Planning Committee and was aware that there were issues involving planning in the process.  She asked if Housing tenants would be housed in these properties.


9.4     The Project Manager explained that all the Regeneration Team’s schemes were 100% social rented schemes.  In terms of planning, there had been early engagement and a planning map had been formulated.  The architects were aware of the planning constraints. All 20 shortlisted designs had been sent to planning colleagues.  


9.5     The Senior Lawyer advised Councillor Moonan that if she voted in favour of the design at this committee she may be seen to have pre-judged the principle of development of the site and design at the Planning Committee.  She advised Councillor Moonan it might be safer to abstain from voting at this committee. 


9.6     Councillor Bell welcomed any form of new building in the city but raised some concerns.  He wanted to know how the architects intended to design plans for the solar gain by the amount of glass that could be seen.  There did not appear to be much financial engineering or cost effectiveness in the design in what could be achieved for the square foot for the amount of people who moved in.  He would like to know what the cost per metre square was in the budget and details of the long term management and the replacement for the items the council had responsibility for.  


9.7     The Programme Manager City Regeneration Unit explained that the designs were at an early stage.  The detailed costings would be reported at the next stage.  During the process the architects would be asked to value engineer.  An independent quantity surveyor had been employed, and worked up plans would ensure value for money. 


9.8     Councillor Bell asked about long term maintenance costs.  The Programme Manager City Regeneration replied that the architects were being asked to work to the council’s long term design specifications.  The next stage would look at the procurement contract.


9.9     Councillor Bell stated that the budget should be brought forward at the design stage.  He considered that the committee were not in a position to say if the schemes could go forward at this stage.   The Programme Manager City Regeneration replied that officers were asking for initial approval, not detailed approval.  All the more detailed costings would be brought to the committee for approval. Officers would try and answer all Councillor Bell’s questions and would arrange a briefing for members.  


9.10   Councillor Mears thanked officers for the report and presentation. Councillor Mears referred to paragraph 2.3 and asked about the Frederick Street and Rotherfield Crescent schemes.  She also asked about timescales.  The Project Manager replied that a meeting with both architectural practices would take place in June/July.  Rotherfield Crescent and Frederick Street were more challenging sites with constraints that needed to be considered.  For example, there was a proposal to build a basement at Frederick Street.  The architects would be asked to undertake a survey to provide cost certainty and ensure that the schemes were viable and deliverable.  There would be a further report to committee on both schemes.


9.11   The Project Manager stated that she believed that the designs were deliverable and in terms of long term maintenance the schemes were brick built, rather than rendered.  The cost of brick could initially be high but there were long-term savings with regard to maintenance.


9.12    RESOLVED:-


(1)            That the winning designs for the four sites included within the RIBA Design Competition, namely: Hinton Close, Natal Road, Frederick Street and Rotherfield Crescent (see Appendix 1), be noted.


(2)            That the two highest scoring designs (Hinton Close and Natal Road) are taken forward to detailed design stage and undergo further financial appraisal before coming back to Committee for final scheme approval.


(3)            That further site investigation and surveys are undertaken in relation to the two remaining schemes (Frederick Street and Rotherfield Crescent), in order to achieve greater cost certainty to support the detailed design development work.


Note: Councillor Moonan abstained from voting on the above recommendations as she is a member of the Planning Committee.

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