Agenda item - Review report

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Agenda item

Review report

(copy attached).



35.1    Becky Purnell gave a brief overview and presented the report noting that it informs area panels that a review of area enforcement will take place. She stated that it was taken in 2012 and is reviewed every 3 years and due to the current climate of budgets it is timely. She noted that its remit is to enable residents to influence housing, to hold the Council accountable and to promote a better environment. She pointed out that everything in resident involvement will be looked at including everything that sits within the resident involvement budget.


35.2    Becky Purnell stated that 1650 people constituted of 1400 people and 250 tenants will form part of the consultation.


35.3    Ododo Dafe stated that BHCC want as many people as possible to make it easy for involvement.


35.4    Becky Purnell stated that there will be a final report going to the December round of area panels in time for the Housing Committee in January and noted that a wider consultation on the budget in September next year was mentioned at the recent New Homes Committee.


35.5    RESOLVED- That the report be noted

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