Agenda item - Information Governance Strategy

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Agenda item

Information Governance Strategy

Report of the Head of Law and Monitoring Officer (copy attached).


1)           That Members consider the attached draft Information Governance Strategy 2016-19 (appendix 1) and comment as necessary.


2)           Note that any comments will be incorporated into a revised draft going to the Policy & Resources Committee for final approval.



68.1      The Committee considered a report of the Head of Law and Monitoring Officer that sought comment from the Committee on the draft Information Governance Strategy ahead of its submission to Policy & Resources Committee for consideration.


68.2      The Head of Law circulated a document outlining a number of spelling corrections to be made to the draft document.


68.3      Dr. Horne stated that he welcomed the Strategy that filled a current vacuum in the council’s policy and procedures. Dr. Horne suggested that the document be amended ahead of its submission to Policy & Resources Committee to outline the cost of delivery of the Strategy, the pace of implementation and the risks involved in managing the Strategy in the long-term including any potential impact from Orbis shared service arrangements.


68.4      The Head of Law clarified that under the Orbis arrangements, each authority would be responsible for its own Information Governance Strategy. This would in turn present Information Governance issues that would be included in the due diligence process and regularly monitored.  


68.5      RESOLVED-


1)           That Members consider the attached draft Information Governance Strategy 2016-19 (appendix 1) and comment as necessary.


2)           Note that any comments will be incorporated into a revised draft going to the Policy & Resources Committee for final approval.

Supporting documents:


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