Agenda item - Internal Audit and Corporate Fraud Progress Report

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Agenda item

Internal Audit and Corporate Fraud Progress Report

Report of the Acting Executive Director, Finance & Resources (copy attached).


1)           That the Audit and Standards Committee note:


·      progress made on the audit plan for 2015/16

·      progress made against recommendations

·      continued success in tackling fraud and corruption


66.1      The Committee considered a report of the Acting Director, Finance & Resources that summarised the progress made against the Internal Audit and Corporate Fraud Plan 2015/16.


66.2      Councillor Sykes noted that the figures listed on page 83 and page 84 of the agenda appeared to be an increase on previous years.


66.3      The Head of Internal Audit confirmed that the figures were higher and this was because of a specific audit focus of the corporate fraud team on risk areas, particularly in unauthorised sub-letting of council properties.


66.4      RESOLVED-That the Audit and Standards Committee note:


1)           Progress made on the audit plan for 2015/16


2)           Progress made against recommendations


3)           Continued success in tackling fraud and corruption

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