Agenda item - Private Sector Housing (PSH) Discretionary Licensing Update

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Agenda item

Private Sector Housing (PSH) Discretionary Licensing Update

Report of Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).



(1)          That authority be delegated to the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing to explore the necessity or otherwise of the introduction of further discretionary licensing in all or part of the local authority area.


(2)          That there is a report back to this Committee outlining the findings and any resulting recommendations.



59.1    The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director of Environment Development & Housing which sought approval to explore the necessity or otherwise of the introduction of further discretionary licensing in all or part of the local authority area.  It would be necessary to demonstrate that the council have done everything it could in any proposed discretionary licensing scheme area to tackle issues of concern and that there is no other practical alternative before considering licensing.  The report was presented by the Interim Head of Property & Investment/Head of Housing Strategy, Development & Private Sector Housing.


59.2    Councillor Gibson welcomed the report and stressed the need to improve standards in HMOs.  He asked when the committee were likely to receive a report on the findings and recommendations.  He also asked if there would be a progress report on actual improvements in the five wards.   The Interim Head of Property & Investment/Head of Housing Strategy, Development & Private Sector Housing replied that an update could be provided but stressed that officers needed to commission research. A detailed report had been submitted to committee 18 months ago on the Lewes Road scheme.   Officers could report back on progress.


59.3    The Chair stressed that it was important to wait for the evidence from the research which would be commissioned.  She would expect a report when the results of the research was received and not before.   


59.4    Councillor Hill referred to paragraph 3.5 in relation to mandatory licensing (all wards) at 16/12/15.  She was pleased to see a number of HMOs where conditions had been met.  She stressed that paragraph 3.12 was a key section of the report.  This set out the expanded government criteria for local authorities seeking to adopt a selective licensing scheme.  She stressed that if the evidence was clear, then the council should proceed with extending the licensing scheme.


59.5    RESOLVED:-


(1)            That authority be delegated to the Acting Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing to explore the necessity or otherwise of the introduction of further discretionary licensing in all or part of the local authority area.


(2)            That there is a report back to this Committee outlining the findings and any resulting recommendations.


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