Agenda item - Strategic Risk MAP Focus: SR23 and SR21 Housing Pressures

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Agenda item

Strategic Risk MAP Focus: SR23 and SR21 Housing Pressures

Report of the Interim Executive Director of Finance & Resources (copy attached).


1)           That Members note the information provided in the Strategic Risk MAPs in Appendix 1 (Strategic Risk Assessment Report).


48.1      The Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director, Finance & Resources which informed Members that the Committee had a role to monitor the effectiveness of risk management and internal control. This included oversight of the Strategic Risk Register which was set and reviewed every six months by the Executive Leadership Team (ELT). Each Strategic Risk had a Risk Management Action Plan (a risk MAP) to deliver action to address the risk by a Risk Owner, a member of the ELT. The meeting was attended by the Joint Acting Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing who was the Risk Owner for SR21: Housing Pressures and the joint risk owner with the Assistant Chief Executive for SR23:Developing an investment strategy to refurbish and develop the city’s major asset of the Seafront. The Joint Acting Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing provided a comprehensive verbal update to the Committee on each of the Strategic Risks.


48.2      Councillor Sykes asked how existing controls around housing support could be maintained in the context of continuing budget reductions and noted that the private housing rental sector had dramatically increased over recent years but there was no identification of the sector in the report.


48.3      In relation to private sector housing, the Joint Acting Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing clarified that there had been a Scrutiny Panel review of the matter and recommendations had been submitted to Housing Committee. Amongst others, they included recommendations on closer working with Strategic Housing Partnership (SHP) on measures such as student accommodation and he was also aware that the Housing and Planning Bill currently being considered by Parliament would include a Private Sector Landlord Register. The Joint Acting Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing further confirmed that there was still a Housing Support Budget although this, like other council budgets, was reducing year on year. That presented continuing pressure and the council was working towards different methods of delivery that would hopefully achieve the same output.


48.4      Councillor Morris noted the pressures placed upon housing availability by ‘Party Houses’ and asked what actions were being taken to address the matter.


48.5      The Joint Acting Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing confirmed that there had also been a Scrutiny Panel held on the matter and the outcome had been reported to Full Council similarly with recommendations.


48.6      In respect of SR21, Diane Bushell asked if the Joint Acting Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing if he was content that the risk rating had been reduced from red to amber.


48.7      The Joint Acting Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing clarified that this was the correct course of action and the council was now intervening in a much more strategic manner in the city and city region than before.


48.8      In relation to SR23, Councillor Cobb stated that she was disappointed the council had not anticipated that repairs would be required to Madeira Terrace and implemented a planned maintenance programme. Councillor Cobb asked if there would be any impact on events held on Madeira Drive.


48.9      The Joint Acting Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing stated that the structural design of the Terraces had meant that it had been difficult to maintain, inspect and repair. The Joint Acting Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing added that the 2016 events calendar had been agreed at Economic, Development & Culture Committee the previous week and no events had been lost compared to the 2015 schedule.


48.10   Councillor Taylor asked if the Seafront Strategy included Saltdean Lido.


48.11   The Joint Acting Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing confirmed that Saltdean Lido was included in the Seafront Strategy.


48.12   RESOLVED- That Members note the information provided in the Strategic Risk MAPs in Appendix 1 (Strategic Risk Assessment Report).

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