Agenda item - Ernst & Young Audit Results Report 2014/15

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Agenda item

Ernst & Young Audit Results Report 2014/15

Extract from the proceedings of the Audit & Standards Committee meeting held on the 22nd September 2015, together with a report of the Interim Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copies attached).


46.1         Councillor A. Norman introduced the report which had been referred for information and stated that the Audit & Standards Committee played an important role in ensuring that the council met its financial and value for money responsibilities.  She also wished to thank the Head of Internal Audit for his support and encouraged all Members to take an interest in the management of risk.


46.2         Councillor Norman also stated that she wished to thank the Democratic Services team and officers for their work in enabling the meeting to take place in the Brighton Centre.


46.3         Councillor Sykes stated that he echoed Councillor Norman’s comments on the work of committee and noted that other authorities were at risk of not meeting their statutory responsibilities in terms of financial and risk management.


46.4         Councillor Taylor stated that he had asked for the report to be referred to the council because of the need to be aware of the financial considerations and corporate responsibility.  All councillors were the custodians of council tax payers’ money and there was a need to look at value for money and to review how services were provided.  He hoped that the warnings of the auditors would be taken on board and action taken to address those concerns.


46.5         Councillor Morris welcomed the report and stated that he wished to thank Councillor Norman as Chair of the Committee who had been very helpful to new Members.


46.6         Councillor G. Theobald stated that he had found the audit report to be of interesting reading and noted that failure to make changes to secure longer term financial resilience was a similar message to that given in 2012/13.  He also noted the reference to the high cost of services and the need to deliver value for money.  He hoped that action would be taken to address these points.


46.7         Councillor Mears stated that it was an important report and noted the loss of £3.2m as a result of not taking action to address the situation with the parking collection company.  She also noted that Adult Social Care had not achieved its savings targets by £2m and that there were further examples where financial management had not been in place to secure services, which reflected the previous Administration’s lack of management.


46.8         Councillor Littman noted that the previous Administration had inherited difficulties and had continued the value for money programme; but government cuts had had an warranted impact.  There was a need to work together to ensure that local government was protected from further cuts.


46.9         Councillor Hamilton stated that he had been the previous Chair of the Audit & Standards Committee and he accepted the Audit report’s comments.  The Committee had always worked outside of political boundaries and he hoped it would continue to do so.


46.10      Councillor A. Norman noted the comments and stated that the committee did work in a non-political environment and received regular financial updates.  She suggested that if Members had concerns about service provision or financial aspects they should raise them with the members of the committee who could then consider them at future meetings.  In the meantime she commended the report to the council.


46.11      The Mayor stated that the report had been referred for information and therefore moved that it be noted.


46.12      RESOLVED: That the report be noted.

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