Agenda item - Public Health Nursing Commissioning for Healthy Child Programme 0-19

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Agenda item

Public Health Nursing Commissioning for Healthy Child Programme 0-19

Report of Director of Public Health (copy attached).


10.1         The Public Health Programme Manager introduced the paper which detailed the Public Health Nursing commissioning strategy for the delivery of the Healthy Child Programme 0-19 years.  She noted that in October 2015 the responsibility for commissioning Public Health services for children aged 0-5 years would transfer from NHS England to the Council.  It was therefore proposed that these services should be combined along with those under the Healthy Child Programme and commissioned under one Public Health Nursing Contract from 2017/18.  In order to meet this proposal there was a need to extend current contract with Sussex Community Trust (SCT) to March 2017.


10.2         The Executive Director for Children’s Services drew the Board’s attention to paragraph 4.2 of the paper and noted that the integration of services was a central part of the commissioning process and would build on the current model.


10.3         Dr. Beasley stated the proposed integration was welcome and hoped that there would be an opportunity to look at the clusters across the city and primary care provision.


10.4         The Public Health Programme Manager stated that a Transition Board would be established, chaired by NHS England which would bring in colleagues from all areas to look at the future provision of services and improvements that could be made.


10.5         RESOLVED: That the proposed Public Health Nursing commissioning strategy be noted and the extension of the contracts with SCT until the 31st March 2017 as detailed in the paper be agreed.

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