Agenda item - BH2015/00688 4 Barrowfield Close, Hove - Removal or variation of condition

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Agenda item

BH2015/00688 4 Barrowfield Close, Hove - Removal or variation of condition

Application for variation of condition 2 of application BH2014/03227 (Erection of 1no four bedroom detached dwelling (C3) to allow for the provision of an additional bedroom and the insertion of 4no rooflights.


Ward Affected: Hove Park


Application for variation of condition 2 of application BH2014/03227 (Erection of 1no four bedroom detached dwelling (C3) to allow for the provision of an additional bedroom and the insertion of 4no rooflights.


(1)          The Planning Manager, Applications, Nicola Hurley, gave a presentation by reference to photographs of the application site showing the existing house and proposed amended scheme including floor plans, elevational drawings and plans showing the location of the proposed rooflights.


(2)          It was explained that the application related to a plot of land which currently provided a garden area for an existing detached dwelling, which was located on the south-eastern side of Barrowfield Close, at the eastern end of the cul-de-sac, and was accessed from Tongdean Avenue. The plot related to no. 4 Barrowfield Close and was is of a greater width than the plots relating to the other properties within the Close. The existing dwelling was situated towards the north-eastern side of the double plot resulting in a strip of garden area to the south-western side of the dwelling in addition to a large rear garden.


(3)          The principle of the construction of a new detached dwelling had been established within the approval of the previous application BH2014/03227. The main considerations in determining the application related to the impacts of the proposed amendments on the visual amenities of the approved new dwelling, the Barrowfield Close streetscene and the wider area, including the setting of the nearby Tongdean Conservation Area and the impacts upon the amenities of neighbouring properties.


(4)          It was considered that the proposed amendments to the approved scheme application BH2014/03227 would not be of detriment to the visual amenities of the approved scheme, the Barrowfield Close streetscene or the wider area, including the setting of the nearby Tongdean Conservation Area. Furthermore it was not considered that the proposed amendments would have a significant adverse impact upon the amenities of the neighbouring properties. The proposal accorded with policies of the Brighton and Hove Local Plan and approval was therefore recommended.


            Questions of Officers


(5)          Councillor Simson enquired regarding the rationale for the application being brought to the Committee for determination and it was explained that the application was required because permitted development rights had previously been removed and that neighbour representations had been received.


(6)          A vote was taken and members voted unanimously that planning permission be granted.


189.3    RESOLVED - That the Committee has taken into consideration and agrees with the reasons for the recommendation set out in section 11 and the policies and guidance in section 7 and resolves to GRANT planning permission subject to the Conditions and Informatives set out in section 11.

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